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    Our FOCUS

    Ideas have been developed by subject matter experts in collaboration with community leaders. Solutions are “Nigeria-focused”, clear and concise in their articulation and dynamic in content.

    1. Accountability
    2. Protection of human life
    3. Security
    4. Power Generation.
    5. Education.
    6. Health Care.
    7. Infrastructure. Roads, rail, airports, seaports, drainage.
    8. Natural resource management.
    9. Agriculture.
    10. Internal revenue generation.

       11. Unemployment.

       12.Private sector support.

       13.Sovereign investment              strategies/policy.

       14.Law Enforcement.


       16.The Nigerian constitution

       17. Military.

       18. Poverty.

       19.National pride.

       20.Ethnic tensions.

        21.Government spending

        22.Moral Values

        23.Cultural re-engineering.

       24.Environmental pollution.

      25.Recovery of looted funds.

      27.Electoral reform.

      28. Foreign Affairs.


    Nigerians are recognized globally as some of the most astute, accomplished and hardworking individuals in all spheres of endeavor. Sadly, this individual brilliance is not reflected in the performance of the country.

    Most Nigerians are dissatisfied with the current state of affairs. One of unfulfilled potential, squandered opportunity, wasted resources and a badly damaged global reputation resulting in the unnecessary suffering of millions.

    Healthy nations are never built by people given to debauchery and irreverence.

    We aspire to engage a caliber of leaders who have demonstrated merit, integrity, vision, competence and a commitment to advance our collective values.

    Nigeria is blessed with an abundance of human and natural resources.  We are eternally optimistic, rich in culture and heritage, and unique among nations.

    In order for Nigeria to achieve greatness and live up to her true potential, it will take our entire collective effort.

    OFIAR is dedicated to harnessing “our” collective talents toward building a Nigeria we can all be proud of.


    We will achieve these goals by focusing on:

    • Engaging Nigerians who desire fair and responsive representation in government and society to agitate for these goals.
    • Promoting a doctrine that focuses on integrity, accountability, patriotism and national pride.
    • Crafting a narrative that eschews foreign in favor of Home grown - “Nigeria-centric” solutions to our problems
    • Engaging, developing and supporting individuals who share our values for leadership roles in Nigeria in order to disrupt the status quote
    • Liaising, partnering and collaborating with mission focused grassroots organizations that align with our vision such as SHIFTNIGERIA and others.